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Some classifiers benefit more from adjusted parameters to a particular dataset than others. However, it is often not clear from the beginning how the parameters have to be determined. What often only remains is a grid search when several parameters have to be found in combination. The present function uses a grid search approch for the decisive arguments (typically for a neural network, a random forest or a classification tree). However it's not restricted to these models, any model fulfilling weak interface standards could be provided.


Tune(x, ..., testset = NULL, keepmod = TRUE)



the model to be tuned, best (but not necessarily) trained with FitMod.


a list of parameters, containing the values to be used for a grid search.


a testset containing all variables required in the model to be used for calculating independently the accuracy (normally a subset of the original dataset).


logical, defining if all fitted models should be returned in the result set. Default is TRUE. (Keep an eye on your RAM!)


The function creates a n-dimensional grid according to the given parameters and calculates the model with the combinations of all the parameters. The accuracy for the models are calculated insample and on a test set, if one has been provided.

It makes sense to avoid overfitting to provide a test set to also be evaluated. A matrix with all combination of the values for the given parameters, sorted by accuracy, either by the accuracy achieved in the test set or the insample accuracy is returned.


a matrix with all supplied parameters and a column "acc" and "test_acc" (if a test set has been provided)


Andri Signorell <>


d.pim <- SplitTrainTest(d.pima, p = 0.2)
mdiab <- formula(diabetes ~ pregnant + glucose + pressure + triceps
                 + insulin + mass + pedigree + age)
# \donttest{
# tune a neural network for size and decay
r.nn <- FitMod(mdiab, data=d.pim$train, fitfn="nnet")
#> Warning: nnet() did not (yet) converge, consider increase maxit (and set trace=TRUE)!
(tu <- Tune(r.nn, size=12:17, decay = 10^(-4:-1), testset=d.pim$test))
#> Error in eval(expr, p): object 'd.pim' not found

# tune a random forest
r.rf <- FitMod(mdiab, data=d.pim$train, fitfn="randomForest")
(tu <- Tune(r.rf, mtry=seq(2, 20, 2), testset=d.pim$test))
#> Error in eval(x$call): object 'mdiab' not found

# tune a SVM model
r.svm <- FitMod(mdiab, data=d.pim$train, fitfn="svm")

tu <- Tune(r.svm,
           kernel=c("radial", "sigmoid"),
           gamma=c(0.5,1,2,3,4), testset=d.pim$test)
#> Error in eval(x$call): object 'mdiab' not found

# let's get some more quality measures
tu$modpar$Sens <- sapply(tu$mods, Sens)     # Sensitivity
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'tu' not found
tu$modpar$Spec <- sapply(tu$mods, Spec)     # Specificity
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'tu' not found
Sort(tu$modpar, ord="test_acc", decreasing=TRUE)
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'tu' not found
# }