An artificial dataset inspired by a similar dataset pizza.sav in Arbeitsbuch zur deskriptiven und induktiven Statistik by Toutenburg
The dataset contains data of a pizza delivery service in London, delivering pizzas to three areas. Every record defines one order/delivery and the according properties. A pizza is supposed to taste good, if its temperature is high enough, say 45 Celsius. So it might be interesting for the pizza delivery service to minimize the delivery time.
The dataset is designed to be as evil as possible. As far as the description is concerned, it should pose the same difficulties that we have to deal with in everyday life. It contains the most used datatypes as numerics, factors, ordered factors, integers, logicals and a date. NAs are scattered everywhere partly systematically, partly randomly (except in the index).



A data frame with 1209 observations on the following 17 variables.


a numeric vector, indexing the records (no missings here).


Date, the delivery date


integer, the weeknumber


integer, the weekday


factor, the three London districts: Brent, Camden, Westminster


integer, the number of pizzas delivered


logical, TRUE if a rabate has been given


numeric, the total price of delivered pizza(s)


a factor with levels Allanah Maria Rhonda


a factor with levels Carpenter Carter Taylor Butcher Hunter Miller Farmer


numeric, the delivery time in minutes (decimal)


numeric, the temperature of the pizza in degrees Celsius when delivered to the customer


integer, 1 if wine was ordered, 0 if not


integer, 1 if wine was delivered, 0 if not


logical, TRUE if a wrong pizza was delivered


ordered factor with levels low < medium < high, defining the quality of the pizza when delivered


The dataset contains NAs randomly scattered.


Toutenburg H, Schomaker M, Wissmann M, Heumann C (2009): Arbeitsbuch zur deskriptiven und induktiven Statistik Springer, Berlin Heidelberg


#> 'data.frame':	1209 obs. of  16 variables:
#>  $ index         : int  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
#>  $ date          : Date, format: "2014-03-01" "2014-03-01" ...
#>  $ week          : num  9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 ...
#>  $ weekday       : num  6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 ...
#>  $ area          : Factor w/ 3 levels "Brent","Camden",..: 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 ...
#>  $ count         : int  5 2 3 2 5 1 4 NA 3 6 ...
#>  $ rabate        : logi  TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE ...
#>  $ price         : num  65.7 27 41 26 57.6 ...
#>  $ operator      : Factor w/ 3 levels "Allanah","Maria",..: 3 3 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 3 ...
#>  $ driver        : Factor w/ 7 levels "Butcher","Carpenter",..: 7 1 1 7 3 7 7 7 7 3 ...
#>  $ delivery_min  : num  20 19.6 17.8 37.3 21.8 48.7 49.3 25.6 26.4 24.3 ...
#>  $ temperature   : num  53 56.4 36.5 NA 50 27 33.9 54.8 48 54.4 ...
#>  $ wine_ordered  : int  0 0 0 0 0 0 1 NA 0 1 ...
#>  $ wine_delivered: int  0 0 0 0 0 0 1 NA 0 1 ...
#>  $ wrongpizza    : logi  FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE ...
#>  $ quality       : Ord.factor w/ 3 levels "low"<"medium"<..: 2 3 NA NA 2 1 1 3 3 2 ...
#>   index       date week weekday        area count rabate price operator  driver
#> 1     1 2014-03-01    9       6      Camden     5   TRUE  65.7   Rhonda  Taylor
#> 2     2 2014-03-01    9       6 Westminster     2  FALSE  27.0   Rhonda Butcher
#> 3     3 2014-03-01    9       6 Westminster     3  FALSE  41.0  Allanah Butcher
#> 4     4 2014-03-01    9       6       Brent     2  FALSE  26.0  Allanah  Taylor
#> 5     5 2014-03-01    9       6       Brent     5   TRUE  57.6   Rhonda  Carter
#> 6     6 2014-03-01    9       6      Camden     1  FALSE  14.0  Allanah  Taylor
#>   delivery_min temperature wine_ordered wine_delivered wrongpizza quality
#> 1         20.0        53.0            0              0      FALSE  medium
#> 2         19.6        56.4            0              0      FALSE    high
#> 3         17.8        36.5            0              0      FALSE    <NA>
#> 4         37.3          NA            0              0      FALSE    <NA>
#> 5         21.8        50.0            0              0      FALSE  medium
#> 6         48.7        27.0            0              0      FALSE     low

#> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
#> Describe (data.frame):
#> data frame:	1209 obs. of  16 variables
#> 		917 complete cases (75.8%)
#>   Nr  ColName         Class            NAs          Levels               
#>   1   index           integer            .                               
#>   2   date            Date              32 (2.6%)                        
#>   3   week            numeric           32 (2.6%)                        
#>   4   weekday         numeric           32 (2.6%)                        
#>   5   area            factor            10 (0.8%)   (3): 1-Brent,        
#>                                                     2-Camden,            
#>                                                     3-Westminster        
#>   6   count           integer           12 (1.0%)                        
#>   7   rabate          logical           12 (1.0%)                        
#>   8   price           numeric           12 (1.0%)                        
#>   9   operator        factor             8 (0.7%)   (3): 1-Allanah,      
#>                                                     2-Maria, 3-Rhonda    
#>   10  driver          factor             5 (0.4%)   (7): 1-Butcher,      
#>                                                     2-Carpenter,         
#>                                                     3-Carter, 4-Farmer,  
#>                                                     5-Hunter, ...        
#>   11  delivery_min    numeric            .                               
#>   12  temperature     numeric           39 (3.2%)                        
#>   13  wine_ordered    integer           12 (1.0%)                        
#>   14  wine_delivered  integer           12 (1.0%)                        
#>   15  wrongpizza      logical            4 (0.3%)                        
#>   16  quality         ordered, factor  201 (16.6%)  (3): 1-low, 2-medium,
#>                                                     3-high               
#> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
#> 1 - index (integer)
#>     length       n     NAs  unique      0s      mean    meanCI'
#>      1'209   1'209       0     = n       0    605.00    585.30
#>             100.0%    0.0%            0.0%              624.70
#>        .05     .10     .25  median     .75       .90       .95
#>      61.40  121.80  303.00  605.00  907.00  1'088.20  1'148.60
#>      range      sd   vcoef     mad     IQR      skew      kurt
#>   1'208.00  349.15    0.58  447.75  604.00      0.00     -1.20
#> lowest : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
#> highest: 1'205, 1'206, 1'207, 1'208, 1'209
#> ' 95%-CI (classic)

#> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
#> 2 - date (Date)
#>   length      n    NAs unique
#>    1'209  1'177     32     31
#>           97.4%   2.6%       
#> lowest : 2014-03-01 (42), 2014-03-02 (46), 2014-03-03 (26), 2014-03-04 (19)
#> highest: 2014-03-28 (46), 2014-03-29 (53), 2014-03-30 (43), 2014-03-31 (34)
#> Weekday:
#> Pearson's Chi-squared test (1-dim uniform):
#>   X-squared = 79, df = 6, p-value = 6e-15
#>        level  freq   perc  cumfreq  cumperc
#> 1     Monday   144  12.2%      144    12.2%
#> 2    Tuesday   117   9.9%      261    22.2%
#> 3  Wednesday   134  11.4%      395    33.6%
#> 4   Thursday   147  12.5%      542    46.0%
#> 5     Friday   171  14.5%      713    60.6%
#> 6   Saturday   244  20.7%      957    81.3%
#> 7     Sunday   220  18.7%    1'177   100.0%
#> Months:
#> Pearson's Chi-squared test (1-dim uniform):
#>   X-squared = 12947, df = 11, p-value <2e-16
#>         level   freq    perc  cumfreq  cumperc
#> 1     January      0    0.0%        0     0.0%
#> 2    February      0    0.0%        0     0.0%
#> 3       March  1'177  100.0%    1'177   100.0%
#> 4       April      0    0.0%    1'177   100.0%
#> 5         May      0    0.0%    1'177   100.0%
#> 6        June      0    0.0%    1'177   100.0%
#> 7        July      0    0.0%    1'177   100.0%
#> 8      August      0    0.0%    1'177   100.0%
#> 9   September      0    0.0%    1'177   100.0%
#> 10    October      0    0.0%    1'177   100.0%
#> 11   November      0    0.0%    1'177   100.0%
#> 12   December      0    0.0%    1'177   100.0%
#> By days :
#>          level  freq  perc  cumfreq  cumperc
#> 1   2014-03-01    42  3.6%       42     3.6%
#> 2   2014-03-02    46  3.9%       88     7.5%
#> 3   2014-03-03    26  2.2%      114     9.7%
#> 4   2014-03-04    19  1.6%      133    11.3%
#> 5   2014-03-05    33  2.8%      166    14.1%
#> 6   2014-03-06    39  3.3%      205    17.4%
#> 7   2014-03-07    44  3.7%      249    21.2%
#> 8   2014-03-08    55  4.7%      304    25.8%
#> 9   2014-03-09    42  3.6%      346    29.4%
#> 10  2014-03-10    26  2.2%      372    31.6%
#> 11  2014-03-11    34  2.9%      406    34.5%
#> 12  2014-03-12    36  3.1%      442    37.6%
#> 13  2014-03-13    35  3.0%      477    40.5%
#> 14  2014-03-14    38  3.2%      515    43.8%
#> 15  2014-03-15    48  4.1%      563    47.8%
#> 16  2014-03-16    47  4.0%      610    51.8%
#> 17  2014-03-17    30  2.5%      640    54.4%
#> 18  2014-03-18    32  2.7%      672    57.1%
#> 19  2014-03-19    31  2.6%      703    59.7%
#> 20  2014-03-20    36  3.1%      739    62.8%
#> 21  2014-03-21    43  3.7%      782    66.4%
#> 22  2014-03-22    46  3.9%      828    70.3%
#> 23  2014-03-23    42  3.6%      870    73.9%
#> 24  2014-03-24    28  2.4%      898    76.3%
#> 25  2014-03-25    32  2.7%      930    79.0%
#> 26  2014-03-26    34  2.9%      964    81.9%
#> 27  2014-03-27    37  3.1%    1'001    85.0%
#> 28  2014-03-28    46  3.9%    1'047    89.0%
#> 29  2014-03-29    53  4.5%    1'100    93.5%
#> 30  2014-03-30    43  3.7%    1'143    97.1%
#> 31  2014-03-31    34  2.9%    1'177   100.0%

#> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
#> 3 - week (numeric)
#>   length      n    NAs  unique     0s   mean  meanCI'
#>    1'209  1'177     32       6      0  11.40   11.33
#>           97.4%   2.6%           0.0%          11.48
#>      .05    .10    .25  median    .75    .90     .95
#>     9.00  10.00  10.00   11.00  13.00  13.00   13.00
#>    range     sd  vcoef     mad    IQR   skew    kurt
#>     5.00   1.33   0.12    1.48   3.00  -0.07   -1.01
#>    value  freq   perc  cumfreq  cumperc
#> 1      9    88   7.5%       88     7.5%
#> 2     10   258  21.9%      346    29.4%
#> 3     11   264  22.4%      610    51.8%
#> 4     12   260  22.1%      870    73.9%
#> 5     13   273  23.2%    1'143    97.1%
#> 6     14    34   2.9%    1'177   100.0%
#> ' 95%-CI (classic)

#> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
#> 4 - weekday (numeric)
#>   length      n    NAs  unique    0s   mean  meanCI'
#>    1'209  1'177     32       7     0   4.44    4.33
#>           97.4%   2.6%          0.0%           4.56
#>      .05    .10    .25  median   .75    .90     .95
#>     1.00   1.00   3.00    5.00  6.00   7.00    7.00
#>    range     sd  vcoef     mad   IQR   skew    kurt
#>     6.00   2.02   0.45    2.97  3.00  -0.34   -1.17
#>    value  freq   perc  cumfreq  cumperc
#> 1      1   144  12.2%      144    12.2%
#> 2      2   117   9.9%      261    22.2%
#> 3      3   134  11.4%      395    33.6%
#> 4      4   147  12.5%      542    46.0%
#> 5      5   171  14.5%      713    60.6%
#> 6      6   244  20.7%      957    81.3%
#> 7      7   220  18.7%    1'177   100.0%
#> ' 95%-CI (classic)

#> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
#> 5 - area (factor)
#>   length      n    NAs unique levels  dupes
#>    1'209  1'199     10      3      3      y
#>           99.2%   0.8%                     
#>          level  freq   perc  cumfreq  cumperc
#> 1        Brent   474  39.5%      474    39.5%
#> 2  Westminster   381  31.8%      855    71.3%
#> 3       Camden   344  28.7%    1'199   100.0%

#> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
#> 6 - count (integer)
#>   length      n    NAs  unique    0s  mean  meanCI'
#>    1'209  1'197     12       8     0  3.44    3.36
#>           99.0%   1.0%          0.0%          3.53
#>      .05    .10    .25  median   .75   .90     .95
#>     1.00   2.00   2.00    3.00  4.00  6.00    6.00
#>    range     sd  vcoef     mad   IQR  skew    kurt
#>     7.00   1.56   0.45    1.48  2.00  0.45   -0.36
#>    value  freq   perc  cumfreq  cumperc
#> 1      1   108   9.0%      108     9.0%
#> 2      2   259  21.6%      367    30.7%
#> 3      3   300  25.1%      667    55.7%
#> 4      4   240  20.1%      907    75.8%
#> 5      5   152  12.7%    1'059    88.5%
#> 6      6    97   8.1%    1'156    96.6%
#> 7      7    34   2.8%    1'190    99.4%
#> 8      8     7   0.6%    1'197   100.0%
#> ' 95%-CI (classic)

#> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
#> 7 - rabate (logical - dichotomous)
#>   length      n    NAs unique
#>    1'209  1'197     12      2
#>           99.0%   1.0%       
#>        freq   perc  lci.95  uci.95'
#> FALSE   601  50.2%   47.4%   53.0%
#> TRUE    596  49.8%   47.0%   52.6%
#> ' 95%-CI (Wilson)

#> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
#> 8 - price (numeric)
#>   length      n    NAs  unique     0s   mean  meanCI'
#>    1'209  1'197     12     360      0  48.73   47.50
#>           99.0%   1.0%           0.0%          49.96
#>      .05    .10    .25  median    .75    .90     .95
#>    13.99  23.98  30.98   46.76  63.18  78.83   87.12
#>    range     sd  vcoef     mad    IQR   skew    kurt
#>   125.54  21.63   0.44   23.40  32.20   0.50    0.11
#> lowest : 8.79 (3), 9.59, 10.39 (2), 10.99 (11), 11.19 (2)
#> highest: 116.53, 123.39, 124.43, 129.55, 134.33
#> ' 95%-CI (classic)

#> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
#> 9 - operator (factor)
#>   length      n    NAs unique levels  dupes
#>    1'209  1'201      8      3      3      y
#>           99.3%   0.7%                     
#>      level  freq   perc  cumfreq  cumperc
#> 1   Rhonda   446  37.1%      446    37.1%
#> 2    Maria   388  32.3%      834    69.4%
#> 3  Allanah   367  30.6%    1'201   100.0%

#> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
#> 10 - driver (factor)
#>   length      n    NAs unique levels  dupes
#>    1'209  1'204      5      7      7      y
#>           99.6%   0.4%                     
#>        level  freq   perc  cumfreq  cumperc
#> 1  Carpenter   272  22.6%      272    22.6%
#> 2     Carter   234  19.4%      506    42.0%
#> 3     Taylor   204  16.9%      710    59.0%
#> 4     Hunter   156  13.0%      866    71.9%
#> 5     Miller   125  10.4%      991    82.3%
#> 6     Farmer   117   9.7%    1'108    92.0%
#> 7    Butcher    96   8.0%    1'204   100.0%

#> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
#> 11 - delivery_min (numeric)
#>   length       n    NAs  unique     0s   mean  meanCI'
#>    1'209   1'209      0     384      0  25.65   25.04
#>           100.0%   0.0%           0.0%          26.26
#>      .05     .10    .25  median    .75    .90     .95
#>    10.40   11.60  17.40   24.40  32.50  40.42   45.20
#>    range      sd  vcoef     mad    IQR   skew    kurt
#>    56.80   10.84   0.42   11.27  15.10   0.61    0.10
#> lowest : 8.8 (3), 8.9, 9.0 (3), 9.1 (5), 9.2 (3)
#> highest: 61.9, 62.7, 62.9, 63.2, 65.6
#> ' 95%-CI (classic)

#> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
#> 12 - temperature (numeric)
#>   length      n    NAs  unique     0s   mean  meanCI'
#>    1'209  1'170     39     375      0  47.94   47.37
#>           96.8%   3.2%           0.0%          48.51
#>      .05    .10    .25  median    .75    .90     .95
#>    26.70  33.29  42.23   50.00  55.30  58.80   60.50
#>    range     sd  vcoef     mad    IQR   skew    kurt
#>    45.50   9.94   0.21    9.19  13.07  -0.84    0.05
#> lowest : 19.3, 19.4, 20.0, 20.2 (2), 20.35
#> highest: 63.8, 64.1, 64.6, 64.7, 64.8
#> ' 95%-CI (classic)

#> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
#> 13 - wine_ordered (integer - dichotomous)
#>   length      n    NAs unique
#>    1'209  1'197     12      2
#>           99.0%   1.0%       
#>     freq   perc  lci.95  uci.95'
#> 0  1'010  84.4%   82.2%   86.3%
#> 1    187  15.6%   13.7%   17.8%
#> ' 95%-CI (Wilson)

#> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
#> 14 - wine_delivered (integer - dichotomous)
#>   length      n    NAs unique
#>    1'209  1'197     12      2
#>           99.0%   1.0%       
#>     freq   perc  lci.95  uci.95'
#> 0  1'034  86.4%   84.3%   88.2%
#> 1    163  13.6%   11.8%   15.7%
#> ' 95%-CI (Wilson)

#> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
#> 15 - wrongpizza (logical - dichotomous)
#>   length      n    NAs unique
#>    1'209  1'205      4      2
#>           99.7%   0.3%       
#>         freq   perc  lci.95  uci.95'
#> FALSE  1'122  93.1%   91.5%   94.4%
#> TRUE      83   6.9%    5.6%    8.5%
#> ' 95%-CI (Wilson)

#> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
#> 16 - quality (ordered, factor)
#>   length      n    NAs unique levels  dupes
#>    1'209  1'008    201      3      3      y
#>           83.4%  16.6%                     
#>     level  freq   perc  cumfreq  cumperc
#> 1     low   156  15.5%      156    15.5%
#> 2  medium   356  35.3%      512    50.8%
#> 3    high   496  49.2%    1'008   100.0%