Capitalize the first letter of each element of the string vector.

StrCap(x, method=c("first", "word", "title"))



string to be capitalized.


one out of "first" (default), "word", "title". "first" will only capitalize the first character of a string. "word" will capitalize all found words and "title" will also capitalize wordwise, but leave out: a, an, the, at, by, for, in, of, on, to, up, and, as, but, s, or and nor.)


Returns a vector of charaters with the first letter capitalized


Charles Dupont <>, Andri Signorell <> (methods word and title)


# capitalize first character
StrCap(c("Hello", "bob", "daN"))
#> [1] "Hello" "Bob"   "DaN"  
# but not all...
StrCap(c("Hello bob, how are you?", "And you, DANIEL?"))
#> [1] "Hello bob, how are you?" "And you, DANIEL?"       

# wordwise
StrCap(c("Capitalize all words in titles of publications and documents",
              "but Up and UP, not all and all", NA), method="word")
#> [1] "Capitalize All Words In Titles Of Publications And Documents"
#> [2] "But Up And UP Not All And All"                               
#> [3] NA                                                            

# wordwise omitting the ones listed above
StrCap(c("Capitalize all words in titles of publications and documents",
         "but Up and UP, not all and all", NA), method="title")
#> [1] "Capitalize All Words in Titles of Publications and Documents"
#> [2] "but up and up, Not All and All"                              
#> [3] NA                                                            

# do not touch non alphabetic characters
z <- c("Lorem ipsum dolor", "-- sit amet", "consectetur --", " adipiscing elit ",
       "sed,.--(do) / +-*eiusmod")
StrCap(z, method="title")
#> [1] "Lorem Ipsum Dolor"        "-- Sit Amet"             
#> [3] "Consectetur --"           " Adipiscing Elit "       
#> [5] "Sed,.--(Do) / +-*Eiusmod"