Calculate the sign of zodiac of a date.

Zodiac(x, lang = c("engl", "deu"), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)



the date to be transformed.


the language of the zodiac names, can be english (default) or german ("deu").


logical. If set to TRUE (default) the result will consist of a factor with zodiac signs as levels.


The really relevant things can sometimes hardly be found. You just discovered such a function... ;-)

The following rule to determine zodiac symbols is implemented:

Dec. 22  - Jan. 19  : Capricorn 
Jan. 20  - Feb. 17  : Aquarius 
Feb. 18  - Mar. 19  : Pisces 
March 20 - April 19 : Aries 
April 20 - May 19   : Taurus 
May 20   - June 20  : Gemini 
June 21  - July 21  : Cancer 
July 22  - Aug. 22  : Leo 
Aug 23   - Sept. 21 : Virgo 
Sept. 22 - Oct. 22  : Libran 
Oct. 23  - Nov. 21  : Scorpio 
Nov. 22  - Dec. 21  : Sagittarius


character vector or factor with the zodiac.


Andri Signorell <>, based on code from Markus Naepflin

See also

Year and other date functions


Zodiac(as.Date(c("1937-07-28", "1936-06-01", "1966-02-25",
                 "1964-11-17", "1972-04-25")), lang="deu")
#> [1] Loewe     Zwillinge Fische    Skorpion  Stier    
#> 12 Levels: Steinbock Wassermann Fische Widder Stier Zwillinge Krebs ... Schuetze

d <- sample(seq(as.Date("2015-01-01"), as.Date("2015-12-31"), 1), 120)
z <- Zodiac(d)
#> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
#> z (factor)
#>   length      n    NAs unique levels  dupes
#>      120    120      0     12     12      y
#>          100.0%   0.0%                     
#>           level  freq   perc  cumfreq  cumperc
#> 1        Pisces    14  11.7%       14    11.7%
#> 2        Taurus    14  11.7%       28    23.3%
#> 3         Virgo    12  10.0%       40    33.3%
#> 4        Cancer    11   9.2%       51    42.5%
#> 5         Libra    11   9.2%       62    51.7%
#> 6        Gemini    10   8.3%       72    60.0%
#> 7     Capricorn     9   7.5%       81    67.5%
#> 8         Aries     9   7.5%       90    75.0%
#> 9           Leo     9   7.5%       99    82.5%
#> 10     Aquarius     8   6.7%      107    89.2%
#> 11      Scorpio     8   6.7%      115    95.8%
#> 12  Sagittarius     5   4.2%      120   100.0%